
The Beginning

Among the men and women the multitude,

I perceive one picking me out by secret and divine signs,

Acknowledging none else, not parent, wife, husband, brother, child, any nearer that I am,

Some are baffled, but that one is not – that one knows me.

Ah lover and perfect equal,

I meant that you should discover me so by faint indirections,

And I when I meet you mean to discover you by the like in you.

Walt Whitman 1860

The population of the world was just over one billion when Whitman wrote that. It now has more than seven billion souls and yet here we are. You and I have found each other among the multitude. So this is the beginning. It starts now. This is the place where we will meet. Where we will discover. Create and destroy and create again.

I am a writer. It has taken me some years to come to accept this simple definition of what it is that I am doing here on this earth but it seems to fit. When I write I know the flow. The feeling that is unable to be quantified. Maybe you have had the experience too. Maybe you are ever so close but are not quite there yet. Of course I am much more that a writer. I am a son, a brother, a husband, a father, and a friend. I am a hiker, a swimmer, a singer and a mixer.  I can be defined by many labels but none of them will encapsulate the whole of me. Even my writing will fall short of all that I hope it will be. But everyday I get a little closer. Everyday I try a little harder to do better.

That is why I am starting this blog. I have had the benefit of experience shared with me over the years through the written word. Through song and film. Friendships and heartbreak. Life. I am student of the world. So my vision of this space is to come together to learn. I am willing to share what small portion of knowledge I have come to know and look forward to learning from you.

“Share anything of value you have gleaned from this with someone else. (It’s the fastest way to learn)” from Getting Things Done by David Allen

I like that idea and have found it to be very true. Anytime I have wanted to share a thought or tell a story I find myself able to clarify my own thinking. Simply sharing something forces you to distill the core idea to its essence. Grains of truth from the wide beaches of information. 

As I have said. I am a writer and as such I have recently finished my first novel. I am planning on releasing it here first in a kind of serial format. This will be an experiment for me and I may update or change things as we go. So for now welcome. The site will be updated with more about who I am and I have a long list of post ideas to get the ball rolling but for now hello. Thank you for being here. I have put up the first chapter of the novel here and more will be forthcoming soon.

